Depression drugs may affect gut health
In a new study, researchers found that antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs can change the quantity and composition of gut bacteria.
These results raise questions...
These dietary supplements may help treat depression, schizophrenia
In a new study, researchers have taken a leap forward by establishing the gold standard for which nutrients are proven to assist in the...
Reducing inflammation may make depression drugs work better
In a new study, researchers found that controlling inflammation may be key to helping the brain develop the flexibility to respond to antidepressant drugs.
Your gut bacteria may be linked to depression, high blood pressure
In a new study, researchers found people with high blood pressure had different gut bacteria compared to people with both high blood pressure and...
Hearing aids linked to lower risks of dementia, depression, falls
In a new study, researchers found older adults who get a hearing aid for hearing loss have lower risks of dementia, depression or anxiety...
Depression could be a cause of 20 major diseases
In a new study, researchers found major depressive disorder—referred to colloquially as the 'black dog' – has been identified as a genetic cause for...
Depression symptoms in caregivers may predict future health problems
In a new study, researchers found caregivers of stroke survivors who show signs of depression may have a higher risk of suffering their own...
Air pollution linked to high risks of bipolar disorder, depression
In a new study, researchers found a strong link between exposure to environmental pollution and higher risks of neuropsychiatric disorders.
They found in the United...
Excess body fat may increase your risk of depression
In a new study, researchers found carrying excess body fat could increase the risk of depression.
The found the more fat, the greater the probability...
Depression, anxiety linked to more opioid use after surgery
In a new study, researchers found that depression and anxiety in patients linked to more opioid use after surgery.
The finding could help doctors mitigate...