Brain & Mind

Weight training helps reduce anxiety and depression in older people

Weight training is often associated with young athletes and bodybuilders, but it holds remarkable benefits for older adults too. It's not just about building muscle;...

Causes of hoarding disorder: What you need to know

Hoarding disorder captures public interest, often highlighted in reality TV shows, but it's a serious mental health condition that goes far beyond being extremely...

What parents should know about teen drug and alcohol use

If you or someone you know is in immediate need of help for substance use, or any mental health crisis, the national 988 Lifeline...

These two daily nutrients may benefit people with schizophrenia

Research has long speculated about the connections between schizophrenia, gut health, and vitamin D levels. Now, a recent study offers promising insights into potential treatments...

Why stress testing is a key tool for heart health

Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, but early diagnosis can significantly improve the chances of survival and quality of life. One of...

What you need to know about the link between heart disease and mental health

Heart disease and mental health may seem like separate medical fields, but research shows a deep and intricate connection between the two. Understanding this relationship...

Smartphone messages strongly reduce blood pressure through spirituality

In recent research presented at the American College of Cardiology's Annual Scientific Session, a new study has found that daily messages designed to boost...

Brain stimulation can treat depression and anxiety in older people

A novel study from the University of Florida has brought new hope to older adults suffering from depression and anxiety through a noninvasive brain...

Scientists find a surprising link among heart disease, depression, and inflammation

Scientists from Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital have made an interesting discovery. They've found a link between heart disease, specifically coronary artery...

These personality traits may be linked higher depression risk

Researchers from several prominent institutions, including The Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, the University of Cambridge, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine,...

The connection between high blood pressure and depression

When we talk about high blood pressure and depression, it might seem at first like we're discussing two very different health issues. One deals with...

Study shows antipsychotic drugs reduce marijuana-related psychosis

In a significant discovery, researchers are finding more evidence that too much marijuana use can lead to severe psychotic episodes. These episodes are not just...

Popular Reports

Scientists develop new drug for depression treatment

More than 14 million Americans suffer from clinical depression, yet one in three doesn't experience relief from approved antidepressant drugs. In a new study, researchers...

8 things of high functioning depression you need to know

High-functioning mental illness is a term to describe those living with a mental illness that most people don't detect. It covers a broad spectrum; they might...

What you need to know about mental fatigue

Someone asks you a simple question and you snap. Common tasks, like washing the dishes, feel impossible to accomplish. Constant virtual meetings on camera leave...

Scientists find a ground-breaking tool for addiction recovery

Understanding Addiction and Recovery Addiction recovery isn't a straightforward process. It's a journey that's different for everyone, influenced by a variety of factors. Some people have...

Scientists find best non-drug treatment for reducing inflammation

In a new review study, researchers found that psychological and behavioral therapies may be effective non-drug treatments for reducing disease-causing inflammation in the body. They...