Brain & Mind

Pets may help reduce job stress, study finds

Owning a pet might be more than just a fun and loving experience—it could also help manage job stress. A recent study published in the...

Bright light tied to better sleep and less depression, shows study

Why does spending time in the sun lift our spirits? A new study from Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital suggests that the key may...

Frequent childhood moves linked to higher depression risk in adulthood

Moving homes frequently during childhood can significantly increase the risk of developing depression later in life, a new study reveals. Children who experience numerous moves...

How our brains track time: new study reveals surprising insights

Have you ever felt like time flies when you're having fun? According to a new study by researchers at UNLV, there’s a lot of truth...

Scientists discover mindfulness training can lead to new states of mind

Mindfulness training can lead to surprising changes in how people feel and perceive the world, according to a new study by researchers at the...

Scientists find a big cause of depression in middle-aged and older adults

Depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, particularly affecting middle-aged and older adults. A study from Colorado State University has shown that...

Common mental health problems in older adults

As people age, they often face a range of mental health challenges that can significantly affect their quality of life. Mental health problems in...

This blood pressure number may strongly affect your emotional health

High blood pressure isn't just a number your doctor checks; it’s closely tied to heart problems and may also affect your emotions and personality. Researchers...

Effective treatments for anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are common mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person's daily life. They include conditions like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic...

Insomnia increases depression risk in older adults

As people age, getting a good night's sleep often becomes more difficult. While younger adults might wake up briefly about five times a night, some...

Inflammation in young adults linked to lower cognitive skills in midlife

Higher inflammation levels in young adults are associated with lower performance in cognitive skills testing in midlife, according to a new study by researchers...

New light-activated compounds offer hope for treating neuropathic pain

A team of researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) has developed an innovative way to treat neuropathic pain using light. This new...

Popular Reports

‘Grief is not on anyone else’s timeline’: The varied experiences of coping with loss

Kyme Holman-Williamson was always close to her older brother, Eddie. So when she learned he needed a heart transplant, she immediately prepared a room for...

New blood test can predict schizophrenia risk and best treatment

A new blood test for schizophrenia, developed by researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine, marks a big advance in diagnosing and treating...

Compassion is at the heart of romantic love

In a new study, researchers found it is compassion that sets hearts racing when choosing a partner. The new finding shed light on which traits...

Why stress in adolescence can cause mental problems in adulthood

A recent study by the University of São Paulo has found that too much stress during the teenage years can change the way genes...

Is social media use a big risk factor for your wellbeing?

Despite the assumption that using multiple social media platforms negatively affects users' well-being, a study by researchers Sophie Lohmann and Emilio Zagheni from the...