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When “tough love” turns toxic: Why some abusive bosses get a pass

Ever wonder why some abusive bosses seem to get away with their bad behavior? A recent study suggests that employees may tolerate an abusive boss...

Why young people hate phone calls and how it could affect their careers

Young people today are using their smartphones for almost everything except making phone calls. Many under 40 prefer texting or sending images instead of speaking...

The hidden risks of being good-looking: How attractive teens may face more dangers

New research suggests that being good-looking isn't always the key to happiness. In fact, attractive teens might be more likely to engage in risky behaviors...

Love in our own league: We marry people as attractive as ourselves, study finds

A recent study brings some good news for our egos: both men and women are pretty accurate at rating their own physical attractiveness. The study...

How divorce is boosting gender equality in Sweden

Single mothers are one of the most vulnerable groups in societies around the world. In Sweden, the number of women with these care responsibilities has...

Buffering childhood stress

All kids feel stressed from time to time. They may worry about friends, homework, or a big test. Stress is normal. But some kids go...

Are mixed emotions real? New research says yes

In Pixar's latest film, "Inside Out 2," complex feelings like envy and embarrassment join the cast of characters. Nostalgia, however, is hurried out the door...

Why we’re so bad at spotting lies—most of us only perform slightly better than...

You don't have to be in the middle of an election campaign to be concerned about your ability to spot a lie. Psychology research...

Why teens have sex early: Family and neighborhood connections matter most

Teens who grow up in close-knit families and neighborhoods are less likely to have sex at a young age, according to a new study...

Can curiosity lead to viral success?

Generation Y, also known as millennials, includes people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. They grew up during the rise of digital...