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The power of presentation in decision making

When faced with a choice between receiving a smaller amount of money soon or a larger amount later, the way the options are presented...

Scientists find link between ADHD and hoarding behaviors

New research has shed light on a significant association between Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and hoarding behaviors. The study, funded by the British Academy and...

Mathematics unravels the complexity of social dilemmas

In a new study from the Chatterjee group at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), researchers have unveiled a new mathematical model...

Why older people are easily harmed by scams

In today's world, financial scams targeting the elderly have become a significant issue, with older adults losing over $28 billion each year. Shockingly, nearly...

Choosing the best candidate may not always be just

A recent study published by the American Psychological Association has unveiled an intriguing insight into how people's perceptions of merit-based hiring change once they...

How do we understand jealousy?

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) embarked on a study to delve into how well we understand the triggers of...

Having a life goal could boost your dating app appeal

New research from Washington University in St. Louis reveals an intriguing insight into the dating world: showing a sense of purpose in one's life...

Research shows an important cause of self-destroy behavior

From when we are young, we learn that our actions have outcomes, whether good or bad. But interestingly, some adults might have a hard...

Why social rejection is more painful to some people

When bad things happen, like a tough breakup or an embarrassing moment, it's common for people to keep thinking about it. But for some,...

Women’s tears can block aggression in men, study finds

Intriguing new research published in PLOS Biology has uncovered a remarkable effect of women's tears on men's behavior. The study, led by Shani Agron at...