Health & Wellness

New shingles vaccine could lower dementia risk

A recent study from the University of Oxford suggests that a new shingles vaccine could reduce the risk of dementia. Researchers studied over 200,000 people...

How a microbe helps heal diabetic wounds

Keeping cuts and sores clean is essential, but new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania reveals that a...

A drug that can extend your life by 25%? Don’t hold your breath

Every few weeks or months, the media reports on a new study that tantalizingly dangles the possibility of a new drug to give us...

How to treat arthritis effectively

Arthritis is a condition that causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. It can make everyday activities challenging and affect the quality of...

Eating right to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that affects the brain, leading to memory loss and cognitive decline. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, research...

Cognitive impairments persist long after mild COVID-19 infection

Memory loss and attention deficit are common complaints among people who have survived severe COVID-19. However, these cognitive impairments have also been observed in individuals...

After 3 life-threatening heart events, his family keeps him moving to avoid another

Inside a frame in Roberta and Andre Moore's den in Pasadena, California, are medals – the kind attached to wide striped ribbons that hang...

New treatment offers hope for controlling high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a growing problem worldwide, and it's challenging to manage. While changes in diet, lifestyle, and medication are common treatments, many...

New injection may effectively reduce back pain

Back pain is a common issue that affects many adults every day. A major cause of this pain is a condition called degenerative disk...

Ibuprofen has unexpected effects on liver health

Ibuprofen, a widely used over-the-counter painkiller, is part of a drug group called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs are commonly used to treat...

Do you measure blood pressure correctly?

You know how doctors measure blood pressure, right? They strap a cuff around your arm, inflate it until it’s tight, then slowly release the...

Understanding causes and symptoms of liver cancer and fatty liver disease

Liver cancer and fatty liver disease are two conditions that affect the liver, an essential organ responsible for many vital functions in the body. While...

The myth of moderate drinking and health benefits

You've probably heard that a glass of wine a day is good for you. This common belief, however, is based on flawed scientific research, as...

Pesticides used in agriculture can cause cancer just like smoking

In today's agriculture, pesticides are crucial for achieving high crop yields and ensuring food security. However, these chemicals can harm plant and animal life and...

AI-powered heart MRI analysis can save more lives

Researchers have created a new method using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze heart MRI scans. This breakthrough can save the National Health Service (NHS) valuable...

Week's Top

Brain Health

Scientists discover how neurons age, offering hope for early detection of brain diseases

Researchers from King's College London have made an important discovery about how different parts of nerve cells (neurons) age. This finding could help in early...

The long-term impact of high blood pressure on stroke risk

High blood pressure is well-known for increasing the likelihood of having a stroke. A study led by Michigan Medicine has highlighted the significant impact of...

New shingles vaccine could lower dementia risk

A recent study from the University of Oxford suggests that a new shingles vaccine could reduce the risk of dementia. Researchers studied over 200,000 people...

Eating right to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that affects the brain, leading to memory loss and cognitive decline. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, research...

Cognitive impairments persist long after mild COVID-19 infection

Memory loss and attention deficit are common complaints among people who have survived severe COVID-19. However, these cognitive impairments have also been observed in individuals...