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How sleep affects type 2 diabetes control

For people living with type 2 diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is a daily challenge. While diet and exercise are often highlighted as the cornerstones...

How sleep can influence your heart health

Getting a good night's sleep is often advised for a sharp mind and a healthy body, but its importance extends further, particularly in preventing...

High blood pressure management for shift workers

Shift work, which involves working outside the traditional 9 to 5 hours, can significantly impact one's health, including the risk of developing high blood...

How sleep affects blood pressure

Understanding how sleep affects blood pressure is crucial for anyone looking to maintain or improve cardiovascular health. Blood pressure, the force exerted by circulating blood...

New device can detect stress levels during sleep

A new study from the University of Vermont has unveiled a promising pathway towards early intervention for stress management: using wearable technology to monitor...

What’s the best diet for healthy sleep? A nutritional epidemiologist explains what food choices...

You probably already know that how you eat before bed affects your sleep. Maybe you’ve found yourself still lying awake at 2 a.m. after...

Sleep apnea may increase cancer and dementia risk

Sleep apnea, a condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, is a common but often overlooked disorder. Known for its hallmark snoring and daytime...

Can these blood pressure drugs harm your sleep?

Sleep, that restorative state we all cherish, stands as a pillar of our health and wellness. Yet, the quest for a good night's sleep remains...

New study unlocks early signals of brain disease through sleep

In a new study published in the journal eBioMedicine, researchers have found a potential early indicator for severe brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease...

Why exercise can help you sleep better

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have recently conducted a study that illuminates the intricate relationship between physical activity, sleep quality, and...