Scientists develop device to harvest water from thin air

Imagine getting clean drinking water straight from the air, even in the driest places on Earth. This dream is becoming a reality thanks to a...

Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution

The extent to which renewables should dominate Australia's energy grids is a major issue in science and politics. Solar and wind are clearly now the...

Beware the “new car smell”: How hot days can make your car toxic

We all love that "new car smell" that greets us when we step into a freshly manufactured vehicle. However, researchers have found that this pleasant...

A wearable device to prevent falls in older people

As we age, staying upright and maintaining good posture becomes more challenging due to a combination of weakening muscles, changes in vision, and alterations...

Would you pay to quit TikTok and Instagram? You’d be surprised how many would

Social media is a problem for economists. They don't know how to value it. It has long been argued that it ought to be in...

New 3D printing method creates light-responsive hydrogels

Imagine structures that can change shape with the flip of a light switch. An international team of researchers has found a way to 3D print...

Gas leaks cost U.S. fire departments over half a billion dollars annually, study finds

A new study published in Energy Policy reveals that gas leaks cost U.S. fire departments over $564 million in 2018. This research, led by PSE...

New algorithm revolutionizes data grouping for better analysis

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and UC Berkeley have developed a groundbreaking method to improve how computers organize and analyze large datasets. This advancement enhances...

Scientists unveil first megawatt charger for electric trucks

The Technical University of Munich (TUM), along with industry and research partners, is making strides in developing battery-powered trucks for long-distance cargo transport. A significant...

Scientists develop safe and long-lasting lithium metal battery for high temperatures

In recent years, batteries have become essential in our daily lives, powering everything from smartphones to electric cars. However, most batteries today have some problems. They...

Scientists develop building blocks for 3D-printed organs

Imagine a future where human organs can be printed on demand. A research team at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science...

New eco-friendly dry electrodes enhance lithium-ion battery performance

Researchers at UNIST have made a significant breakthrough in lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology by developing an eco-friendly dry electrode manufacturing process. This new method does...


Engineers create GPS-like smart pills with AI to track health inside the body

Imagine finding your location without GPS. Now, think about tracking a pill inside your body. This has been a major challenge with "smart" pills—pills equipped...

Scientists discover “ripple” in flexible material that could benefit electronic devices

A newly discovered phenomenon in a flexible semiconductor could affect its promise for electronic devices. Two-dimensional materials — those either only an atom or layer...
Self driving and connected car

Traffic models for self-driving and connected cars

Vehicles are evolving quickly nowadays. For example, a self-driving car can detect surroundings with various techniques like radar, GPS, lidar, and computer vision. The car has...

Autonomous vehicles could navigate beneath Arctic ice without GPS

MIT engineers have developed a navigational method for autonomous vehicles to navigate accurately in the Arctic Ocean without GPS. There is a lot of activity...

This white paint could keep things cool without air conditioning

What if paint could cool off a building enough to not need air conditioning? Purdue University engineers have created white paint that can keep surfaces...