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New hormone therapy could help obese people lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that a hormone treatment helped obese participants lose on average 4.4kg. In addition, the treatment led to improvements to...

The impact of obesity on cancer risk is at least double than thought

In a new study, researchers found that the effect of being overweight and obese on the risk of cancer is at least twice as...

Scientists find why obesity could cause cancer

In a recent study, researchers have found why obesity causes cancer. They found that by providing an over-abundance of energy to cells, obesity might super-charge...

Fast-food shops on your way to work may contribute to obesity

In a new study, researchers found fast-food stores available near residences and commute routes had a strong link with body mass index (BMI), the...

Internal body fat may strongly increase heart disease risk

In a new scientistic statement, researchers claim excess internal body fat is a key driver for the development of heart disease and type 2...

This hormone therapy may help obese people lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that hormone therapy can help reduce body weight and glucose levels in people with obesity and diabetes in...

These brain regions may determine your weight loss successes

In a recent study, researchers found people who had the greatest success in terms of weight loss showed more activity in the brain regions...

Weight gain and loss may increase dementia risk in older people

In a new study, researchers found that older people who experience much weight gain or weight loss could be raising their risk of developing...

This medicine could help people with diabetes lose weight, reduce HbA1c

In a new study, researchers found medicine semaglutide may help improve glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes. They tested...

Tracking what you eat could help you lose weight

In a new study, researchers found overweight people who tracked daily food eating using a free smartphone app lost a big amount of weight. These...