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Scientists find key to weight loss success

It is known that regular exercise is important for weight loss. In a recent study, scientists the Brown Alpert Medical School found that consistency in...

Losing weight—and keeping it off—may protect your heart and metabolic function

In a new study, researchers found people who lose weight and keep it off can stabilize or even improve their cardio-metabolic risk factors compared...

Overweight before age 40 may increase your risk of these cancers

In a new study, researchers found if people are overweight before age 40, they may increase their cancer risk. The research was conducted by an...

Maintaining weight loss can protect heart health in people with diabetes

In a new study, researchers found people with type 2 diabetes who regained weight forfeited the initial benefits of reduced risk of heart disease...

New procedure may treat type 2 diabetes, obesity

In a new study, researchers found that a newly tested medical device, called Sleeveballoon, mimics the effects of traditional bariatric surgery in rodents and...

This uncommon weight loss surgery better reduces diabetes

For people with obesity, a procedure rarely performed in the US more effectively eliminates type 2 diabetes than Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, a small study...

‘Tummy tuck’ may strongly benefit people with obesity

In a new study, researchers found tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) yields high patient satisfaction and improved quality of life in patients who are overweight...

Obesity may offer a survival benefit to people with heart failure

In a new study, researchers found while obesity increases the chances of heart failure, for those with heart failure it may confer a survival...

This behavior may lead to overeating and weight gain

In a new study, researchers found that people are not very good at judging the energy-density of what they consume. Inaccurate judgments about food energy...

Scientists find new way to treat high blood pressure in obese people

There's no question that as body weight increases, so too does blood pressure. In a new study, researchers have identified what may be a new...