A low-salt diet still raises blood pressure if your body clock is broken
We know that a high-salt diet is a big risk factor for high blood pressure.
Unfortunately, it is very easy to too much salt in...
Longer sleep is associated with higher satisfaction in marriage
Remaining satisfied with a relationship requires efforts. Sometimes mindset is important: satisfied couples discount undesirable experiences when forming global evaluations of the relationship.
In a...
Sleep quality can predict mental health in pregnant women
Sleep disturbance is common in women, in particular during pregnancy.
European research shows that 75% of pregnant women have poor sleep and require a nap...
Study links sleep duration and frequent snoring to poorer breast cancer survival
In simple words, a new research study reveals a surprising link between how much you sleep and snore, and how you fare if diagnosed...
Short and poor sleep at night may have negative impacts on kidney function
Having a good night's sleep is always nice, but it turns out it's not just about feeling fresh and alert the next day.
A group...
Couples sleep in sync when wife is satisfied with their marriage
Are you familiar with the saying "happy wife, happy life"?
Well, it turns out it may have more truth to it than we thought -...