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Healthy eating

Weight loss may reduce risks of 8 more cancers, says study

Obesity is an important health issue in the world. It is estimated that 640 million adults in 2014 and 110 million children and teenagers...
Physical activity_swimming

Physical activity can reduce the risks of death and cancer caused by alcohol

Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can cause many health problems. This includes stroke, high blood...
flu cold

Starve a fever, stuff a cold: how we should eat when we are sick

When we have a cold or a fever, our eating habits change. Often we may lose our appetite and eat very little food. However, a...
stop smoking

Smoking has long-term impacts on DNA, says study

It is known that smoking harms the body in various ways. It can cause lung disease by damaging the airways and the small air...
aerobic exercise

Lack of aerobic exercise has become the second highest death risk, says study

As we spending more and more time in front of computers and checking cellphones, we take less aerobic exercise. We might not feel its...

Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of cognitive disorders, says study

Given the dramatic increasing of elderly people in the world, age-related cognitive disorders, such as cognitive decline, cognitive impairment, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, will...
healthy diet wellness

A healthy diet can make guys smell attractive, says study

Body odor can provide important information when people choose a romantic partner. Many factors can influence body odor, and one of them is diet. In...
Omega 3

Omega 3/6 fatty acids can improve children’s reading ability, says study

Reading is an important ability in school learning. Children’s reading skills can directly influence their academic achievement. In a study newly published in Journal of...
couple sexual life

A good sexual life may benefit women but harm men’s heart health, says study

Sex is an important part of life, and it can strongly influence our physical and mental health. It is thought that having sex actively...

Benefits and risks of having a pet

People have kept animals for companion since 15,000 years ago. Pet ownership is a feature to every human culture in the world. In the...