
Your brain cannot recharge if you use your phone on break

Using your phone on break during mentally challenging tasks doesn’t allow your brain to recharge effectively and may result in poorer performance, according to...

This test can snare those lying about a person’s identity

In a new study, researchers have developed a new test that could help police to determine when criminals or witnesses are lying about their...

Husbands benefit from mutual caregiving, but wives may feel more distressed

In a new study, researchers found that in mutual caregiving, husbands can gain the benefit, but wives often feel more distressed. The research was conducted...

Testosterone supplements may make people more sensitive to moral norms

In a new study, researchers found that testosterone supplements could actually make people more sensitive to moral norms. This is against previous findings that linking...

Why stress and anxiety are not always bad

In a new scientific presentation, researchers found that stress and anxiety are not always bad. They often play a helpful, not harmful, role in...

Want to sleep better and longer? Be optimistic

In a new study, researchers found people who are the most optimistic tend to be better sleepers. The research was led by a team from...

Many people post on social media under the influence of drugs, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found that posting on social media, texting, and appearing in photos while high is common among people who use...

Being socially active could lower your dementia risk

In a new study, researchers found that being more socially active in their 50s and 60s predicts a lower risk of dementia in people. The...

‘Gold standard’ psychological treatments may not be the best

In a new study, researchers question much of the scientific evidence underpinning therapies designated as "Empirically Supported Treatments," or ESTs. The research was led by...

Your smartphone movement can show your personality

In a new study, researchers found that phone movement can say a lot about a user’s personality. They used data from mobile phone accelerometers—the tiny...