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Can people with Type 2 diabetes drink juice?

The answer is complicated. First, if the juice contains added sugar, then you should avoid it or reduce your intake. This is because recent research...
8 tips to have heart-healthy meals

8 tips to have heart-healthy meals every day

Your heart health is highly related to what you eat. That is why a healthy diet is one of the best methods to prevent heart...

Why people with type 2 diabetes need a large whey protein breakfast

Breakfast is important for a healthy lifestyle. It is not just when to eat it, but also what foods you put into it. Recently a...

How fiber in food could protect the brain during aging

In a recent study, researchers from the University of Illinois find dietary fiber could help reduce brain inflammation during aging. As mammals age, immune cells...
Why diet soda is bad for your health

Why diet soda is bad for your health

Many people prefer diet soda to sugary soda because the former contains less sugar and fewer calories. The word diet shows that diet soda may...

Matcha green tea could kill cancer stem cells, Stanford study shows

In a new Stanford University study, researchers found that matcha green tea could kill cancer stem cells in laboratory tests. Matcha green tea is a...
These five foods may lower risk of type 2 diabetes

These five foods may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes

A healthy diet plays an important role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Generally, a diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruit and...
How to have good nutrition if you love exercise

How to have good nutrition if you love exercise

Good nutrition and regular exercise are important for a healthy, long life. For people engaging in physical activity and sports, healthy eating is essential...
Vitamin D could help delay aging

Vitamin D could help delay aging

It is known that vitamin D can help our body absorb calcium and strengthen our bones. But recent research has shown that vitamin D has...
Why scientists take these 5 supplements

Why scientists take these 5 supplements

Supplements have become an important part of people’s daily diet. Many take them on daily basis to keep their body healthy. Since supplements don’t...