Child Development

Babies in the womb may see more than we thought

By the second trimester, long before a baby's eyes can see images, they can detect light. But the light-sensitive cells in the developing retina --...

Omega 3 supplements may help treat ADHD effectively as drugs

In a new study, researchers found that omega-3 fish oil supplements improve attention among children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but only among...

Can kids with heart disease play sports?

Historically, providers were restrictive in allowing children with congenital heart disease (CHD) to participate in youth sports, or even regular exercise. More recently, practitioners have...

Kids with heart rhythm problems more likely to have ADHD, anxiety and depression

Children and teens with abnormal heart rhythms are more likely to have depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, according to...

Drinking enough water could improve kids’ cognitive function

Properly hydrated children have faster reaction times and are better able to multitask, a new study co-authored by Northeastern professor Charles Hillman has found. The...

Too much screen time may change children’s brain structure

In a new study, researchers found structural differences in the brains of preschool-age children related to screen-based media use. They found that children who have...

Fathers-to-be should avoid alcohol 6 months before conception, study shows

In a new study, researchers found aspiring parents should both avoid drinking alcohol prior to conception to protect against congenital heart defects. They say binge...

Learn shapes with Marvel Disney pop up toys and colorful shape blocks!

This interesting video helps young kids learn five shapes: Star, Heart, Circle, Square and Triangle with Marvel Disney pop up toys and lovely shape...

Abused or neglected children have a 400% higher risk of schizophrenia

In a new study, researchers found that children who have experienced child abuse or neglect are four times more likely to develop serious mental...

What should your baby or child be drinking? Health groups now agree

Parents confused about what exactly their young children should be drinking just got help from several large health organizations, which have issued a common...