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Child Development

Frequent childhood moves linked to higher depression risk in adulthood

Moving homes frequently during childhood can significantly increase the risk of developing depression later in life, a new study reveals. Children who experience numerous moves...

Common viral infection linked to higher risk of autism

Children born with a viral infection called congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) may be nearly two and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with...

Study finds kids given ‘digital pacifiers’ struggle to manage emotions

Tantrums are a normal part of growing up, but how they are handled can significantly impact a child's emotional development. Researchers from Hungary and Canada...

Buffering childhood stress

All kids feel stressed from time to time. They may worry about friends, homework, or a big test. Stress is normal. But some kids go...

Childhood sleep problems linked to higher risk of ADHD symptoms

A recent study has found a close link between sleep problems in children and the development of ADHD symptoms in preadolescence. This research, published in...

Why teens have sex early: Family and neighborhood connections matter most

Teens who grow up in close-knit families and neighborhoods are less likely to have sex at a young age, according to a new study...

Autism affects brain development in boys and girls differently

Researchers at UC Davis have made a significant discovery about how autism affects brain development differently in boys and girls. Their findings, which were shared...

Eight ways to raise happier, healthier kids, according to experts

If you're raising kids, your goal is probably simple: You want happy and healthy young people who are ultimately equipped to navigate life on...

Children may overestimate smart speakers’ abilities

Children overrate the intelligence of smart speakers—such as Alexa, Siri, or Google Home—and are uncertain if the systems can think like humans or not,...

Philadelphia successfully treats youth PTSD with proven therapy

It's tough to make proven treatments a standard part of healthcare. In fact, only about 31% of attempts to add them to health care...