Weight Loss

Weight loss surgery can reduce heart disease risk

Scientists found obese adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) could benefit from bariatric surgery.

High-fat diet may increase pain sensations without obesity or diabetes

Western diets are rich in fats—in particularly saturated fats, which have proved to be responsible for an epidemic of obesity, diabetes and associated conditions. Individuals...

This drug could reduce heart disease, fatty liver, obesity

More than 40% of people living in the U.S. are obese; and 43% of American women over the age of 60—long past menopause—are considered obese.

Exercising on an empty stomach burns 70% more fat, study finds

In a study from Nottingham Trent University and elsewhere, scientists found that exercising on an empty stomach helped people to burn about 70% more...

Widely used diabetes drug could help you lose weight regardless of age

Weight loss is often accompanied by loss of lean body mass, which can negatively impact physical functioning and/or resting energy expenditure. Bodyweight loss and body...

A better way to treat obesity and diabetes

Obesity is the main cause of type 2 diabetes and related chronic illnesses that together will kill more people around the globe this year...

Research shows a drug that treats obesity, fatty liver, heart disease

A drug first developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease, and sickle cell disease could reduce obesity and fatty liver and improve heart function.

BMI declines 7 years before cognitive impairment, study finds

Scientists found much lower BMI occurs beginning about 7 years before a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

How to prevent weight regain after weight loss

Scientists found although weight regaining over time is common, there are effective strategies to recover from weight regain.

Scientists find links between belly fat, blood pressure and food responses

Excess belly fat can be dangerous because it surrounds internal organs and puts people at greater risk for developing several kinds of health problems,...