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Why depressed people find it harder to quit smoking

It is not easy to quit smoking, and this is especially true for depressed people. Recent studies shows that the cessation rates are consistently...

How yoga can improve our health

Yoga is one the most popular physical activities in the world. In a recent survey, about 21,000,000 Americans practiced yoga during the last year....
healthy diet _broccoli

A healthy diet may improve children’s reading skills, says study

Good eating habits are very important for children’s health and development. Recently, a study shows that diet quality is related to academic achievement. In...

Meditation can help maintain weight loss by reducing anxiety

Obesity poses great threat to our health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 3.4 million adults die every year as a result...
Breast milk sugar

Breast milk sugar helps protect babies from Group B strep infection

Group B strep (GBS) are bacteria found normally in vagina, intestine and rectal area in about 33% of healthy pregnant women. Most pregnant women...

Gene plays the primary role in BMI and obesity transmission

Obesity, which means too much body fat, is a serious health issue. Being obese can increase the risk of many diseases. The World Health Organization...

Long-term meditation practitioners have younger brain

Meditation is an important part of my daily routine. Although I only have been doing meditation for 10 months, my body is stronger and...
weight loss

Frequent self-weighing can control weight but may hurt self-esteem

When we lose weight successfully, we tend to weigh ourselves a lot to monitor the weight. As a common strategy, self-weighing can help us correct...
How exercise is key to successfully quitting smoking

How exercise is key to successfully quitting smoking

New research has confirmed that exercise can help smokers finally kick the habit. Experts at St George’s, University of London, have examined the mechanism underlining...

Why mindfulness-based yoga can reduce depression in women

Depression is a common mental health issue. It is estimated that about 25% of women and 12% of men are affected by the disorder...