5 things every man can do to be healthier

Recent research has shown that men are more likely to skip routine health screening tests than women.

Many men tend to avoid see their doctors until there’s a serious health problem.

James Heckman, MD, Assistant Medical Director of Healthcare Associates at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), suggests all men can do five things to improve their health.

Eat a healthy diet

It is known that a healthy diet is a big part of a healthy lifestyle.

A diet low in fat and full of fruits and vegetables can help lower the risk of some types of cancer, including prostate cancer.

For good prostate health, men need to eat enough fruits and veggies.

Don’t smoke

It is known that smoking can harm the heart and lungs. But recent research has found that the harm is more than that.

It has shown that smoking is linked to about half of all bladder cancer cases.

Bladder cancer risk factors like age, gender, race and family history can’t be controlled,” Olumi says. But quitting smoking can definitely lower the risk.

Avoid sleep loss

A good night’s rest can help the body recover from overstimulation and stress. In contrast, a lack of sleep can lead to overall fatigue and libido issues.

Researchers suggest that men should get at least seven hours of sleep a night to help the mind and body reset.

Protect mental health well

Mental and physical health are strongly connected. Mental illness affects both men and women, but men are less likely to talk about their feelings and look for help.

Research has shown that mental health problems often appear to be physical issues, such as a racing heart, tightening chest, ongoing headaches or digestive issues.

It is important to talk to a professional or a loved one about stress or other challenges. This can reduce stress and anxiety.

Last but not least, see your doctor

Whenever men have a health concern, they should see their doctors. There are key health issues and screenings that are age-related.

Seeing your doctor regularly means that men have a baseline for important screenings. This can include everything from cholesterol to cancer screenings.

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