
What makes a good excuse? A Cambridge philosopher may have the answer.

We’ve all done it, offered an excuse for our poor behavior or rude reactions to others in the heat of the moment, after a...
This personality trait may mean high risk of schizophrenia

This personality trait may mean high risk of schizophrenia

In a new study, researchers found that people with inhibited temperament may have a higher risk of schizophrenia. They suggest that inhibited temperament is a...

Your personality may determine your diabetes risk

In a new study, researchers found that positive personality traits, such as optimism, may help to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. More...

How you lock your smartphone can reveal your age

Older smartphone users tend to rely more on their phones' auto lock feature compared to younger users, a new UBC study has found. They...

This is the best kind of father, according to research

In new research, scientists found that an affectionate, fun-loving father who is involved in the social and emotional development of his children is the...
This simple action can make you look more dominant

This simple action can make you look more dominant

In a new study, researchers found a simple trick that could make people look more dominant. The simple trick is tilting one's head downward. This can...

Why you may be prone to hiring a liar, and not even know it?

Deception is viewed as a sign of competence in certain occupations, says new study. We all say we don't like liars. But when it comes time...
Who are more likely to have drug addiction

Who are more likely to have drug addiction?

In a new study, researchers have discovered the personality traits of people who are more likely to have a drug addiction. It identifies two main...
Funny women may satisfy men more in a romantic relationship

Funny women may satisfy men more in a romantic relationship

In a new study, researchers found that a woman who can make her partner laugh is more desirable in a long relationship. The finding shows...

Mona Lisa’s smile might be a lie, study says

Mona Lisa's smile has intrigued mankind since famed artist Leonardo da Vinci painted the portrait in the early 16th century. A research team that includes...