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Major breakthrough in treatment of restless legs syndrome

In a recent study, researchers presents a breakthrough in the treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). The research was conducted by the University of Gottingen...

This drug discovery may help reverse aging

In a recent study, researchers have made a big discovery that could lead to a drug that actually reverses aging. Such a drug could improve...

Scientists discover new method to inhibit inflammation

In a recent study, researchers have developed an anti-inflammatory drug molecule with a new mechanism of action. By inhibiting a certain protein, the researchers could...

New blood pressure guideline may help save 3 million from heart attacks and strokes

In a recent study, researchers predict that achieving and maintaining the 2017 guideline blood pressure goals could prevent more than 3 million cardiovascular disease...

Scientists discover better way to predict stroke, heart disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. About 610,000 people die of...

Our body may cure diabetes themselves in the future

Diabetes is caused by damaged or non-existing insulin cells inability to produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary in regulating blood sugar levels. Many diabetes...

New treatment may help reduce artery-clogging plaque

In a recent review study, researchers have proposed a unique treatment in humans to reduce the early onset of atherosclerosis, the buildup of the...

Frailty could make older people more susceptible to dementia

New research suggests that frailty makes older adults more susceptible to Alzheimer's dementia, and moderates the effects of dementia-related brain changes on dementia symptoms. The...

How much you sleep may affect your risk of fractures and falls

In a recent study, researchers found that compared with women in a recent study who slept seven to eight hours each night, women who...

Scientists discover how sleep patterns linked to breast cancer risk

In a recent study, researchers found women who are “larks”, functioning better at the beginning of the day than the end of the day,...