Stress may link depression and heart disease
In a new study, researchers found stress may lead to inflammation in the body, which links heart disease and depression.
The research was conducted by...
This diabetes drug may benefit people with heart failure
In a new study, researchers found diabetes drug dapagliflozin could benefit patients with heart failure.
The benefits are especially obvious in people with weak ejection...
New guidance for preventing heart disease and stroke
In a newly published guidance, researchers give recommendations about how to prevent stroke and heart attack effectively.
The recommendations include eating a heart-healthy diet, taking...
8 tips for women to prevent heart disease
Recent studies have shown that heart disease in women can be different from that in men.
Currently, in the U.S., more women die from heart...
What you should know about AEDs to protect your heart
AEDs are common in public places.
Many people have seen the device but may not know its function and how to use it.
Oscar Tovar-Calderón, M.D.,...
The link between thyroid hormones and heart disease
In a new study, researchers found when people survive a heart attack, their heart tissue is often irreparably damaged and heart cells cannot regenerate.
New groundbreaking discovery may affect aging, cancer, and heart disease
In a recent study, a research team in Sydney made a groundbreaking discovery in telomere biology.
The study has implications for conditions ranging from cancer...
Light physical activity may protect heart health in older women
In a new study, researchers found light physical activity could help strongly lower the risk of heart disease in women 63 and older.
Light physical...
This tool could tell if your chest pain is a heart problem
In a recent study, researchers have created a new tool to test if chest pain is a sign of heart problems
Previous studies have shown...
A green neighborhood may help reduce heart attack risk
In a new study, researchers found living in a green, leafy neighborhood may help cut people’s heart attack risk.
The research was conducted by University...