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New optical device could help solar arrays focus light, even under clouds

Researchers imagined, designed, and tested an elegant lens device that can efficiently gather light from all angles and concentrate it at a fixed output...

Scientists find way to reduce electric vehicle battery testing time by 75%

Testing the longevity of new electric vehicle battery designs could be four times faster with a streamlined approach, researchers at the University of Michigan...

New model provides solutions for better, safer lithium-metal batteries

A new study by Stanford University researchers lights a path forward for building better, safer lithium-metal batteries. Close cousins of the rechargeable lithium-ion cells widely...

Scientists develop first perovskite solar cell that could last for over 30 years

Princeton Engineering researchers have developed the first perovskite solar cell with a commercially viable lifetime, marking a major milestone for an emerging class of...

Scientists find way to make lithium-ion batteries last longer in extreme cold

When temperatures fall below freezing, cellphones need to be recharged frequently, and electric cars have shorter driving ranges. This is because their lithium-ion batteries’ anodes...

Scientists invented an entirely new way to make solar cells

Holes help make sponges and English muffins useful (and, in the case of the latter, delicious). Without holes, they wouldn’t be flexible enough to bend...

Scientists find the best sites for electric vehicle charging stations

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a computational model that can be used to determine the optimal places for locating electric vehicle...

MIT fuel cell could use the body’s own sugar to generate electricity

Glucose is the sugar we absorb from the foods we eat. It is the fuel that powers every cell in our bodies. Could glucose also...

Scientists find the factors behind rechargeable battery decay

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries don't last forever. After enough cycles of charging and recharging, they'll eventually go kaput, so researchers are constantly looking for ways to...

Lunar soil could generate oxygen and fuel, shows study

Soil on the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuels, scientists in China report in the journal Joule. They...