Common food that may poison dogs and cats
If you have dogs or cats, you may notice that some food, while safe for humans, can seriously threaten the health of your pets.
Dogs and humans: similar lifespan development of attention
Attention is a fundamental cognitive ability we use in daily life.
It helps us find new things in the environment, spot new faces in a...
The future of healthcare: going to the dogs?
In many countries, healthcare costs are very high.
For example, in the U.S., 16% of GDP is health expenditures. It is important to find solutions...
How the zebrafish got its stripes
How the zebra got its stripes is a frequent topic in popular literature about the natural world.
For developmental biologists, however, it is much easier...
The History of Penguins in Australia
Recent studies on the fossil penguin faunas of Antarctica, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America have converged on several key events in penguin...
Jealousy in Dogs
When hearing the word “jealousy”, most people will think about a love triangle, in which an interloper threatens a romantic relationship.
However, jealousy is evolved...
How animals help us recover from trauma
Humans have a long history to use animals in psychological treatment.
In the late 18th century, animals were incorporated into mental health institutions to help...
Chimpanzee males court friends in high places
Have you ever wondered if animals have social hierarchies like humans do?
In a fascinating new study by scientists at Arizona State University, it turns...
How the chicken crossed the Red Sea thousand years ago
In a fascinating study conducted by Washington University in St. Louis, researchers have discovered some of the oldest physical evidence of domesticated chickens in...