Believe it or ‘nut’, almonds can help you cut calories
In Australia, two in three (12.5 million) adults are overweight or obese. Globally, 1.9 billion adults are overweight with 650 million of these being obese.
Brazilian camu-camu berry may prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity
In a recent study from Université de Montréal, scientists have discovered that the Brazilian camu-camu berry, already recognized for its protective effects against obesity...
Scientists find new drug to prevent obesity, liver disease caused by high-fat diet
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 4.5 million adults in the U.S. diagnosed with the liver disease...
Almonds may help you lose weight, prevent diabetes, heart disease
Scientists found weight loss is never an easy nut to crack, but a handful of almonds could keep extra kilos at bay.
Vegan diet rich in legumes may help you lose weight
In a study from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, scientists found a vegan diet improves diet quality, leading to decreased weight and improved...
If weight loss is your only goal for exercise, it’s time to rethink your...
Here are just five ways exercise improves our health, no matter how much we weigh.
Here’s how the body reacts to one-off overeating
Whether it’s a summer barbecue with friends, your favourite fast food takeaway, or Christmas dinner, we can probably all recall times when we’ve eaten...
Drug for dementia can improve heart health, reduce obesity, fatty liver
In a recent study from Johns Hopkins Medicine, scientists found that a drug first developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and sickle cell disease...
Weight loss treatments are not a permanent fix – that doesn’t mean they ‘don’t...
Weight loss is the easy part (relatively speaking). The problem is when you come off a diet or stop taking a weight-loss drug, the weight will creep back up.
Artificial sweeteners may make you fat
With nearly 40% of the world’s population now classified as obese, and increasing evidence pointing to sugar as the culprit, people are turning to...