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Your weight history could help predict your heart disease risk

In a new study, researchers conclude that simply asking older patients about their weight history at ages 20 and 40 could help predict patients’...

Burning more fat but less carbs could lead to diabetes

In a recent study, researchers found that when muscles burn more fat and less glucose, exercise endurance can increase. However, this could simultaneously cause diabetes. Skeletal...

How sleep loss linked to obesity

In a new study, researchers found that one night of sleep loss can increase the desirability of junk foods in men with a healthy...

Restaurants could make you overeat a lot

In a new multi-country study, researchers found that large, high-calorie portion sizes in fast food and full-service restaurants is not a problem unique to...

Standing more and sitting less may not help you lose weight

In a new study, researchers found that office workers who opt to stand when working are likely to be burning only fractionally more calories...

Unhealthy weight-control behaviors could harm your health for a long time

Recent research shows that as many as one-third of adolescents and two-thirds of adults engage in dieting. Unhealthy forms of weight control such as purging,...

Why weight cycling is harmful to your health

In a new study, researchers found that weight cycling is associated with a higher risk of death. Weight cycling, or the constant losing and gaining...

Belly fat could mean cognitive decline in older people

In a recent study, researchers found that a measure of belly fat (waist: hip ratio) was linked to the reduced cognitive function in older...
New discovery on link between obesity and cancer

New discovery on link between obesity and cancer

In a new study, researchers have made a major discovery that shines a new, explanatory light on the link between obesity and cancer. Their research...

Common chemical BBP in food factory could lead to obesity

In a recent study, researchers found that benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), a chemical commonly used in the food-manufacturing process, may increase fat stores in...