This sleep pill can prevent kidney damage in obesity with diabetes
In a new study from the University of Granada, researchers found that melatonin protects from kidney damage caused by obesity with type 2 diabetes.
Being a ‘night owl’ may increase diabetes risk if you’re overweight
In a new study from the University of Naples Federico II, researchers found that though obesity by itself can drive up heart disease risk,...
How your BMI number affects your risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Obesity in midlife is linked to an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.
But in a new study from the Ohio State University, researchers found that...
This obesity drug can help both younger and older people lose weight
In a new study from Tel Aviv University, researchers found obesity drug semaglutide has similar effectiveness across different age groups with regard to weight...
These 2 things can help older women lose weight and increase muscle strength
In a recent study at the University of Georgia, researchers examined the impact of a high-protein weight loss diet and exercise on women between...
This diabetes drug combined with surgery can increase weight loss
In a new study from Angioskope Brazil, São José dos Campos, researchers found that combining minimally invasive endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) with the diabetes...
This obesity drug can effectively suppress appetite, food cravings
In a new study from Novo Nordisk A/S, Søborg, Denmark, researchers found that the obesity drug semaglutide reduces appetite, food cravings and energy intake...
This drug can boost weight loss in people with type 2 diabetes
In a recent study at the University of Leicester, researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes treated with a weekly injection of the...
Your BMI with body shape together can predict cancer risk better
In a new study from the University of Glasgow, researchers found that a measure of body shape should be used alongside body mass index...
Your liver function can drive heart disease and obesity
In a new study from Brunel University London, researchers found how susceptible we are to obesity and heart disease could be determined by our...