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Morning blue light can improve sleep in people with PTSD

Sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, and inadequate sleep over time can impact all aspects of life with serious implications for...

Poor sleep linked to higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Sleep abnormalities are common in Alzheimer's disease, and sleep quality can be affected early in the preclinical stage of the disease, even when no...

My snoring is waking up my partner. Apart from a CPAP machine, what are...

Snoring happens when the muscles and tissues that surround the upper airway (at the back of the nose to the throat region) vibrate during...

Turning back the clock for daylight saving time can impact brain and body functions

The end of daylight saving time is approaching, when millions turn back their clock an hour. This change can have an impact on brain and...

Poor sleep linked to higher risk of vision loss

Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness and will likely affect an estimated 112 million people worldwide by 2040. Characterized by progressive loss of light-sensitive...

Why sleep is so important for losing weight

When it comes to weight loss, diet and exercise are usually thought of as the two key factors that will achieve results. However, sleep is...

Can you get addicted to sleep supplement melatonin?

Can you be addicted to chocolate? What about Pilates or checking your email? Although many of us use the word "addiction" fairly casually, from a...

Common painkillers may harm heart, kidneys, bodyweight, and sleep

Painkillers are effective to manage acute and chronic pain, but they can bring health risks. Several studies have shown that common painkillers people use in...

Sleep is a new 8th measure of heart health

About 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep disorders, and 1 in 3 adults do not regularly get the recommended amount of uninterrupted sleep...

Why can’t I sleep? The benefits of good sleep hygiene

Good sleep and circadian health are interdependent and can impact our physical and mental well-being. But, around 62% of adults worldwide say they don't sleep...