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Insomnia and short sleep duration in midlife may increase dementia risk

A study published in Age and Ageing indicates that experiencing insomnia and short sleep durations during middle age may elevate the risk of developing...

How a common sleep supplement could boost memory function

The potential of melatonin and its derivatives in enhancing memory has been demonstrated in various animal studies. However, the precise molecular mechanisms orchestrating these beneficial...

Troubled sleep may be linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes

As the Christmas holidays approach and we get caught up in the festive frenzy, researchers from the University of South Australia are urging people...

Are sleep pills doing more harm than good?

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that nearly one in five adults in America uses sleep medication. This...

Good sleep boosts resilience to stress, anxiety, and depression, says new study

Life's stressors have a way of affecting our mental health, but according to a new study from the University of York, good quality sleep...

Scientists develop better method for sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent chronic sleep disorder that impacts approximately 30 million people in the United States alone. Traditional diagnosis methods have...

Split naps could boost alertness during night shifts and benefit new parents, study finds

New insights into the science of sleep may offer relief to night shift workers and new parents, two groups notoriously challenged by sleep deprivation. A...

Exercise can offset some harmful effects of poor sleep

You know that exercise is good for you, and you've heard that good sleep is essential for health. But what happens if you're not...

Night owls at higher risk for diabetes, new study shows

Are you someone who likes to stay up late and wake up late? If yes, a new study says you might want to reconsider...

Scientists find new connection between sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s disease

A recent study, published in Neurology, has highlighted a link between sleep apnea and brain volume in areas related to Alzheimer's disease. This adds to...