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Poor sleep in obese elderly linked to reduced muscle strength and mental health issues

Obese elderly individuals who experience poor sleep quality are at greater risk of decreased muscle strength, increased body fat, and mental health issues, according...

How does daylight saving time affect sleep and mental health?

On Sunday, Nov. 5, parts of the world, including most of the United States and Canada, will participate in the annual ritual of setting...

Study reveals the importance of good sleep for cognitive function

A comprehensive international study led by Monash University has underscored the critical connection between good-quality sleep and cognitive function. The research, published in JAMA Network...

Improving deep sleep may reduce dementia risk in older adults

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for overall health, and for older adults, it might be even more critical. A recent study suggests that...

Inflammation links sleep loss with heart disease, study finds

Recent research has shed light on how disrupted sleep patterns contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the buildup of fatty...

Poor sleep linked to Alzheimer’s risk: early warning signs revealed

New research suggests that poor sleep may serve as one of the earliest warning signs of Alzheimer's disease, attributed to a phenomenon known as...

Sleep loss is linked to higher depression risk, study finds

A recent genetic study led by researchers at UCL (University College London) has uncovered a complex relationship between insufficient sleep and the development of...

Mid-life insomnia and short sleep are linked to higher dementia risk

A recent study published in Age and Ageing has revealed a concerning connection between insomnia, short sleep duration, and an elevated risk of dementia. The...

How skimping on sleep can harm our hearts

Do you find your eyelids heavy and your bed alluring, yet consistently push off bedtime to squeeze in just one more episode of your...

Statins can reduce heart disease risk in people with sleep anpea

Getting a good night’s sleep is undeniably vital for our well-being. For individuals grappling with obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that disrupts sleep by...