Home Wellness Page 69


How to find a balance with shift work, sleep and mental health

Many shift workers work outside of the typical 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. traditional daytime working hours. Nontraditional shiftwork can include working rotational shifts,...

Scientists find new drug to treat high blood pressure and sleep apnea

Imagine a pump that's meant to work around the clock but starts failing. This is what happens in our body when someone has heart...

Microgreens and mature veggies both may limit weight gain

Microgreens, tiny young vegetables that can be grown right on your windowsill, have earned quite a reputation for their potential health benefits. Researchers have delved...

Good fitness is linked to 40% lower risk of 9 major cancers

It turns out that staying fit while you're young can have some pretty impressive benefits down the line. According to a large study published in...

Irregular sleep patterns can harm your gut health

Researchers from King's College London and ZOE, a personalized nutrition company, delved into the link between inconsistent sleep patterns and gut health. Their findings, presented...

Scientists find the cause of sleep troubles in people with heart disease

We often hear about the importance of a good night's sleep, but did you know there's a connection between heart health and sleep quality? Researchers...

Scientists find two big contributors to obesity

Since 1975, the number of obese individuals worldwide has almost tripled. This alarming statistic from the World Health Organization (WHO) raises questions about the...

How artificial sweeteners may cause more belly fat

Artificial sweeteners, those handy little packets we often use in our coffee or tea, have long been a favorite alternative to sugar. They're sweet like...

Scientists find a new way to treat sleep apnea

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines, commonly known as CPAP, have long been the go-to solution for people suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). However, many...
Credit: Andres Urena / Unsplash

Fitbits could track circadian rhythms in daytime, but not so much for sleep

Many of us wear little wristbands known as Fitbits to track our steps, heart rate, and sleep. Fitbits have become a popular gadget over...