Home Wellness Page 57


How a common sleep supplement could boost memory function

The potential of melatonin and its derivatives in enhancing memory has been demonstrated in various animal studies. However, the precise molecular mechanisms orchestrating these beneficial...

Maintaining stable weight may be key to longevity in older women

In a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, researchers led by the University of California San Diego have found that...

Research shows best way to help diabetics lose weight

If you have type 2 diabetes, you might find it difficult to lose weight. Traditional advice often focuses on counting calories, but let's be...

Weather extremes and your health: what to know

Weather affects where we live, what we do, and when we can do it. It can also impact our health. Temperature extremes, hot or cold,...

Troubled sleep may be linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes

As the Christmas holidays approach and we get caught up in the festive frenzy, researchers from the University of South Australia are urging people...

Are sleep pills doing more harm than good?

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that nearly one in five adults in America uses sleep medication. This...

Exercise in 20s may boost women’s heart health later in life

Staying active in your 20s could give you a healthier heart later on, according to a new study from The University of Queensland. Dr. Gregore...

Easy workouts boost cognitive function in older people

We often hear that high-intensity workouts are good for our brains, but what if you're not up for a hardcore gym session? New research...

Study shows higher obesity risk in people with bipolar disorders

A recent study from the University of Gothenburg highlights the troubling impact of the obesity pandemic on people with bipolar disorders. The study, published in...

Good sleep boosts resilience to stress, anxiety, and depression, says new study

Life's stressors have a way of affecting our mental health, but according to a new study from the University of York, good quality sleep...