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These 5 big drinking problems may damage your health

These 5 big drinking problems may damage your health

For people who drink alcohol frequently, it is easy to develop drinking problems. According to a recent study done by Penn State researchers, alcohol abuse...
6 bad things may happen to your body when you stop exercising

6 bad things may happen to your body when you stop exercising

Experts recommend that adults take 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise every week. However, you may find it hard to...
8 things older people can do to sleep well

8 things you can do to sleep well at night

A recent National Poll on Healthy Aging has shown that about one-third of people over age 65 cannot sleep well at night and need...

Is your mattress hurting your back?

Back pain is a chronic health condition bothering many people. If you have back pain and haven’t thought about how your mattress may be contributing...

Do you have dead butt syndrome?

It is known that sitting too much is an unhealthy habit and can lead to many health problems. Research has shown that sedentary behavior can...

Why you should take a walk everyday

The current health recommendations suggest that adults should do 150-minute moderate exercise or 75-minute intense exercise every week. For many people, walking is an easy,...
Sleep problems linked to higher dementia risk

Sleep problems linked to higher dementia risk

In a new study, researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden report that sleep disturbances in midlife or in late life are linked to a...
Being overweight before 50 linked to higher risk for pancreatic cancer

Being overweight before 50 linked to higher risk of pancreatic cancer

In a new study, researchers found that gaining excessive body weight before 50 is linked to a higher risk for pancreatic cancer than being...
Do you sweat too much

Do you sweat too much?

It is normal to sweat when you exercise, or the weather is hot. But when you sweat all the time and it becomes excessive, it...
These popular exercises may increase your injury risk

These popular exercises may increase your injury risk

In a new study, researchers found that some popular workouts may increase people’s risk of injury, especially in the knees and shoulders. The research was...