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Intermittent fasting may improve blood sugar levels without weight loss

In a new study, researchers found that intermittent fasting may regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels even when there is little-to-no weight loss. Intermittent fasting is...

Should we call obesity a disease?

In a new research paper, researchers discussed whether obesity should be recognized as a disease. Obesity now affects almost a third of the population in...

Mattresses could emit higher levels of volatile organic compounds during sleep

Hundreds of household items, including furniture, paint, and electronics, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which at high levels can pose health risks. Now, researchers reporting...

This simple method may tackle obesity caused by high sugar water

In a new study, researchers found that increasing the pH level of water could help prevent obesity and health problems caused by high sugar...
Want to lose belly fat

Want to lose belly fat? Try a heart-healthy diet

Do you wish you could decrease your waistline? In a recent paper, researchers point out that reducing abdominal obesity can lower health risks, but no...

Learning several new things at once may make your brain 30 years younger

In a new study, researchers found that one important way of staving off cognitive decline in older people is learning new skills as a...

Exercise could benefit people with knee arthritis

In a new study, researchers found that exercise does not harm articular cartilage of the knee in people with osteoarthritis. In fact, exercise can benefit...

This thing may lead to the current obesity epidemic

In a new study, researchers found that a molecular "trick" that kept our ancient ancestors from starving may now be contributing to the obesity...

Sleepless nights linked to high blood pressure

In a new study, researchers found that a bad night's sleep may result in a spike in blood pressure that night and the following...

This exercise may help prevent cognitive decline

In a new study, researchers found that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) may help prevent age-related cognitive illnesses, such as dementia. They found that high-intensity interval...