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A healthy diet may protect your kidney health

In a new study, researchers found that maintaining a healthy diet may help prevent kidney disease. The research was conducted by a team from Bond...

Eating this food everyday may help prevent weight gain and obesity

In a new study, researchers found increasing nut consumption by just half a serving (14 g or ½ oz) a day is linked to...

8 tips anyone can use to avoid a nasty fall

The No. 1 cause of traumatic injury and death in the state of Virginia might surprise you. It's falling down. With September being National Falling Awareness...

This personality trait may predict how often you exercise

In a new study, researchers found people who make concrete plans to meet their goals may engage in more physical activity, including visits to...

Obesity linked to abnormal bowel habits—not diet

In a new study, researchers found a strong link between obesity and chronic diarrhea. The link is independent of an individual's dietary, lifestyle, psychological factors...

Researchers find new causes of gum disease and tooth decay

Tooth decay and periodontitis, also known as gum disease, are among the most common diseases around the world. But unlike many other well-known diseases, how...

How two weeks of sedentary lifestyle could damage your health

In a new study, researchers found just two weeks of sedentary behaviors could cause dangerous harms to people’s health. They found after just two weeks...

These two exercises may help protect your muscles

Frailty is becoming a bigger health concern and a major healthcare cost as people get older. Previous studies have shown that obesity could increase frailty...

Want to lose weight effectively? Sign a contract with yourself

In a new study, researchers found people who sign a contract committing themselves to work out are more likely to meet their weight loss...

This popular ingredient in food may increase your diabetes and obesity risk

Food ingredient propionate is widely used in baked goods, animal feeds, and artificial flavorings. It is a naturally occurring short-chain fatty acid that helps prevents...