Home Wellness Page 267


Is it a cold sore or cancer? Yearly dental visits can prevent more than...

You might know that yearly dental exams are recommended to keep your teeth and gums healthy. But did you know these routine visits can...

Waist size may better predict heart rate problem in men

In a new study from University Medical Center Utrecht, researchers found that body mass index may be more helpful in predicting the risk of...

This existing heart drug could help treat obesity

It has long been known that obesity is an inflammatory disease, i.e. a chronic defensive reaction of the body to stress caused by excess...

Mindfulness can make you selfish: Buffalo study shows

Mindfulness and meditation are linked to reducing stress and anxiety while increasing emotional well-being. But how does mindfulness affect the range of human behaviors—so-called prosocial...

Diets high in these foods may increase gut inflammation

In a new study, researchers found that a high dietary intake of animal products, processed foods, alcohol and sugar is linked to a gut...

Why some people are hungry all the time

In a new study from King's College London and elsewhere, researchers found that people who experience big dips in blood sugar levels, several hours...

Daily exercise may help slow breast cancer growth

In a new study from Harvard Medical School, researchers found that exercise training may slow tumor growth and improve outcomes for females with breast...

In almonds, a calorie is not a calorie

In a new study from the University of Toronto, researchers found that a calorie labeled is not the same as a calorie digested and...

This common nutrient may help older women live longer

In a recent study at the University of Iowa, researchers found that older women who ate high levels of plant protein had lower risks...

Why some COVID-19 patients recover and some don’t

In a new study from UC Davis and elsewhere, researchers found "the missing link" in why some COVID-19 patients recover and some don't. They found...