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Vitamin C may help you maintain muscles

In a recent study from the University of East Anglia, scientists found vitamin C could be the key to better muscles in later life. They...

Healthy lifestyle may lower death risk in former smokers

In a study from the National Cancer Institute, scientists found former smokers who stick to a healthy lifestyle have a lower risk of dying...

This common noise may improve your deep sleep and memory function

Deep sleep is critical for memory consolidation. Sleep disturbances have been observed in people with mild cognitive impairment, a warning sign for Alzheimer’s disease. The biggest...

Why sleep is so important for your blood pressure

Many lifestyle habits may increase the risk of high blood pressure, such as being overweight or obese and eating high-sodium food. In addition, recent research...

How are inflammation, aging and diet related?

Mild, persistent inflammation in tissue is considered one of the biological hallmarks of the aging process in humans—and at the same time is a...

Weight loss surgery can offer much more than a healthy weight

In a study from the University of Pittsburgh, scientists found improvements in pain, physical function and work productivity largely endure for at least seven...

Ultra-processed food causes weight gain – firm evidence at last

We know we should eat less junk food, such as crisps, industrially made pizzas, and sugar-sweetened drinks, because of their high-calorie content. These “ultra-processed” foods,...

17 surprising things determine how long older people will live

In a study from Duke Health, scientists found the life expectancy of older people relies less on their specific disease diagnoses and more on...

Regularly exercising with weights may lower death risk

In a study from National Cancer Institute, scientists found regularly exercising with weights is linked to a lower risk of death from any cause,...

Weight loss beneficial for people with obesity, but not for the lean

In a study from Harvard University, scientists found intentionally losing weight can bring long-term health benefits for individuals with obesity, regardless of the method...