Scientists prove what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
Scientists at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management have established a causal relationship between failure and future success, proving German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's adage...
Being an optimist may help you live longer
In a new study, researchers found being optimistic could help prevent heart attacks, strokes, and early death.
They found that optimists had a 35% lower...
This personality trait may predict how often you exercise
In a new study, researchers found people who make concrete plans to meet their goals may engage in more physical activity, including visits to...
Never make big decisions on an empty stomach, new study shows
We all know that food shopping when hungry is a bad idea.
In a new study, researchers suggest that people might want to avoid making...
How people with psychopathic personality control their ‘dark impulses’
People with psychopathic traits are predisposed toward antisocial behavior that can result in "unsuccessful" outcomes such as incarceration.
However, many individuals with psychopathic traits are...
People with autism can become good social psychologists
In a new study, researchers found people with autism traits are as good or even slightly better social psychologists than people who do not...
Compassion is at the heart of romantic love
In a new study, researchers found it is compassion that sets hearts racing when choosing a partner.
The new finding shed light on which traits...
These personality traits linked to phone addiction
In a new study, researchers have identified the personality traits that increase or decrease the degree of vulnerability to so-called “nomophobia”.
It is defined as...
Digital detox may not improve your wellbeing, new study shows
In a new study, researchers found a 24-hour period of abstinence from a smartphone induces cravings, but mood and anxiety remain stable.
The research was...
Algorithms cannot detect liars by facial expressions, says new study
Though algorithms are increasingly being deployed in all facets of life, a new USC study has found that they fail basic tests as truth...