
How women and men forgive infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most common reasons that heterosexual couples break up. Researchers who have studied 160 different cultures find this to be...

Older people cope with COVID-19 pandemic best, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found adults aged 60 and up have fared better emotionally compared to younger adults (18-39) and middle-aged adults (40-59)...

Global sentiments toward COVID-19 shifting from fear to anger

In a new study, researchers found the fear that people developed at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak has given way to anger over...

9 in 10 men may be harmed by domestic violence, new study shows

In a new study, researchers found 90% of men believe their doctors should ask whether they have perpetrated or experienced domestic violence — but...

Scientists find the worst reason to give a gift

Here's a good way to make sure a friend hates a gift from you: Say it will save him money. In a series of studies,...

Optimistic people can sleep better

Optimists live longer than pessimists and have a lower risk of chronic disease—this has been scientifically validated on multiple occasions. In a new study, researchers...

Fans of this type of movie may deal with COVID-19 pandemic better

In a new study, researchers found that people who like watching end-of-the-world movies may be more resilient when dealing with real-life ongoing pandemic. The research...

This simple strategy can ensure a good memory, new study shows

How does our memory work, and how can we optimize its mechanisms on a daily basis? These questions are at the heart of many...

How over-controlling parents could ruin their kids’ adult life

What happens to teenagers whose parents are overbearing? In a new study, researchers found that teens whose parents are overcontrolling struggle with relationships, and educational...

Happiness may protect you from gut problems

In a new study, researchers found that serotonin, a chemical known for its role in producing feelings of well-being and happiness in the brain,...