
How to stay motivated – or make peace without it

Distraction is everywhere. From endless emails to countless meetings, it can easily zap motivation. Ongoing research shows there are ways to protect motivation, and maybe even...

Half of Americans’ IQ harmed by lead exposure in last century

In 1923, lead was first added to gasoline to help keep car engines healthy. However, automotive health came at the great expense of our...

This type of self-care could help reduce heart disease risk

Despite what skeptics say, being kind to oneself is not a New Age fad—and there is research to back it up. Middle-aged women who practiced...

Having anxiety? Try these 7 foods to reduce it.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. Specific therapies and medications can help relieve...

Mindfulness therapy could reduce opioid misuse and chronic pain at the same time

In a new study from the University of Utah, researchers found that an eight-week mindfulness therapy—Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE)—decreased opioid use and misuse while...

Dog owners, but not cat owners, may have lower risk of disability

In a new study from National Institute for Environmental Studies, researchers found that seniors who own a dog may be at lower risk of...

Your gut health may affect your personality

In a new study from Clarkson University, researchers examined if the gut microbiome could be associated with personality traits, mental energy, mental fatigue, physical...

The Chinese medicine diet for anxiety

Anxiety is not always a bad thing. In fact, in evolutionary terms, feeling anxious about potential threats is critical for survival because it helps us...

6 things you can do to overcome social anxiety

Social anxiety is the fear of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people. It can cause feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-consciousness, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression. Social...

How to manage anxiety and nausea

Anxiety is not always a bad thing. In fact, in evolutionary terms, feeling anxious about potential threats is critical for survival because it helps us...