
If you worry about COVID-19 too much, then your cognition will suffer

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested our psychological limits. Some have been more affected than others by the stress of potential illness and the confusion of...

How to get rid of stress as holidays return to normal

A return to a more normal holiday season may also mean higher stress levels, so an expert offers some coping tips. Don't get too focused...

Simple mental health tips for this winter

Fall and winter can be challenging for many from a mental health perspective, and for the second year in a row, the holiday season...

Scientists capture the earliest humor in children

Young children’s ability to laugh and make jokes has been mapped by age for the first time using data from a new study involving...

How to use music to reduce your stress

Before she studied the plentiful evidence that music can alleviate stress, Ferol Carytsas was a kid who discovered that playing piano made her feel better. Today,...

Men, not women, feel more pain during breakups

In a new study from Lancaster University, researchers found that men tend to experience emotional pain more than women when their relationship takes a...

Your next doctor’s prescription might be to spend time in nature

Dr. Robert Zarr loves to write prescriptions that you don't have to take to the pharmacy. Instead, he sends patients outside to soak in the...

How to recognize and treat alcohol problems

Some people enjoy an occasional glass of wine with dinner. Others might grab a beer while watching a football game. Most people drink alcohol...

These common childhood behaviors may lead to anxiety in later life

In a new study from the University of Otago, researchers found which specific child behaviors may raise the likelihood of anxiety disorders developing in...

These old people can slow cognitive decline

In a new study from the University of Michigan, researchers found feeling happy about life slowed the cognitive decline among older adults. They found that...