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Eggs are so expensive right now. What else can I use?

The price of eggs is rising. So many of us may be looking for cheaper alternatives. First, the bad news. Nothing can replace a boiled,...

Chew on this: dairy vs. plant-based foods for your teeth

So, you brush your teeth twice a day and you don't forget to floss. But did you know that what you eat can also...

Excessive sugar intake linked to Alzheimer’s disease

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at Wake Forest University School of Medicine have identified a potential link between high sugar intake and the development...

Eat your way to a healthy heart: the ‘magnificent six’ foods

A new study tells us the best way to keep our hearts healthy, and it involves six special foods. The researchers at McMaster University and...

Tricaprin: a dietary supplement that could help fight heart disease

Novel Approach to Heart Disease Treatment Researchers at Osaka University have discovered that a dietary supplement known as tricaprin may be instrumental in combating heart...

Volumetrics diet: the high-volume, low-calorie way to better health

Volumetrics - A Highly Recommended Diet Plan The Volumetrics diet has consistently been listed as a top recommendation in U.S. News & World Report's annual...

Seafood to the rescue: the omega-3 armour against kidney troubles

Introducing Omega-3: Your Kidney's New Best Friend Omega-3 fatty acids are like the popular kid in school that everyone wants to be friends with -...

Gut bugs to the rescue: a simple corn fiber that lowers blood pressure

High Blood Pressure: A Sneaky Villain Lots of people die because of high blood pressure. It's really common and really dangerous. Four out of every five...

Fast foods fast forward: how ultra-processed foods may speed up brain aging

Let's begin by understanding what ultra-processed foods are. Picture foods that are more chemicals than actual food - like soft drinks, hot dogs, cookies from...

Eating your way to a sharper brain: the MIND diet may slow cognitive decline

As we age, our cognitive abilities naturally decrease, a process that can't be reversed or stopped. However, a new study from Rush University suggests that...