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A diet rich in omega-3 may help prevent hearing loss

Omega-3 fatty acids might have another benefit - protecting your hearing. This is according to a recent research study shared at a meeting of the...

Sustainable diets linked to lower death risk, study finds

Eating for the planet might just be the key to a longer, healthier life, suggests new research. A study found that individuals who ate a...

Scientists find how to ease Parkinson’s disease early with snacks

For many people, constipation is just a minor health issue, often due to a less-than-ideal diet or insufficient hydration. But sometimes, it can signal something...

Green tea compound could treat and prevent this disease in women

A compound found in green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), may have potential for both treating and preventing uterine fibroids, according to a recent pre-clinical,...

Does your grilled steak harm your DNA and cause cancer?

We've all heard that grilling or deep-frying our food, especially red meat, could make us more likely to get cancer. New research points to...

Eating these two diets could delay Parkinson’s disease, study finds

Do you know what you eat could help you fight diseases? A group of researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC) found out that...

Eating less carbs and more plants helps type 2 diabetes patients live longer

In a new study, scientists from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found out that people with type 2 diabetes could live...

Eating fewer than 3 meals a day may help reduce risk of type 2...

Time-restricted eating, a form of fasting involving fewer but regular meals and no eating for 12 to 14 hours (often overnight), may reduce the...

Eating just one cup of nitrate-rich vegetables daily can reduce heart disease risk

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, claiming an estimated 17.9 million lives annually. Many factors can contribute to heart disease, including diet,...

The power of prebiotics: boosting gut health with your diet

Did you know that what you eat can help the friendly bacteria living in your stomach? These tiny friends, often called gut bacteria, need good...