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Heavy coffee drinking may increase kidney disease risk in these people

Scientists from the University of Toronto and other institutions have found a link between heavy coffee consumption and kidney disease in individuals with a...

Who Knew? Mice love protein and so should you

Do you like protein? Well, it turns out that mice do too. Not only do they like protein, but it also seems to keep...

High-fat Western diet may accelerate hardening of arteries

Researchers have discovered that derivatives of natural emulsifiers like phospholipids, commonly found in high-fat, high-cholesterol diets, could stimulate atherosclerosis via gut bacteria interactions with...

Ultra-processed foods can comprise a healthy diet, USDA study shows

A new study indicates that a healthy diet with 91% of the calories coming from ultra-processed foods, according to the NOVA scale, can still...

Essential vitamins for heart health: a guide to a healthy heart

Maintaining good heart health is crucial for overall well-being. Alongside exercise and a healthy diet, ensuring adequate intake of vitamins is vital for optimal heart...

High-fat dairy foods may not be so unhealthy

Eating healthy can be like trying to solve a mystery. What foods are best for us? Should we ditch red meat and whole grains...

Mediterranean diet: good for health and budget, says new study

Often lauded for its health benefits, the Mediterranean diet has long been recommended as an ideal eating plan. However, the perceived costs associated with this...

Why vitamin D is essential for older adults

Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin produced by our bodies when exposed to sunlight, plays a critical role in our overall health and well-being, particularly...

Salt shakers: small nodule stirs big trouble in blood pressure

In every twenty folks with high blood pressure, one of them carries a tiny harmless lump. This little lump makes a hormone, aldosterone, that decides...

Eating fermented foods might be the secret to a healthy and long life

The age-old Japanese dish, natto, a product of fermented soybeans using a bacteria called Bacillus subtilis var. natto, is back in the spotlight, but...