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Scientists discover first living human who has no vitamin D binding protein

Scientists discover first living human who has no vitamin D binding protein

In a new study, researchers have discovered a woman who can live without the protein needed to bind and transport vitamin D in the...
Common dietary supplements may harm your liver health

Common dietary supplements could harm your liver health

In a new study, researchers found the liver damage is linked to some herbal and dietary supplements for weight loss and muscle building. The research...

How sugar could affect your gut bacteria and harm your health

In a new Yale study, researchers found that sugar could silence a key protein required by a gut bacterium linked to lean and healthy...

Whey protein could help you rebuild lost muscles

In a recent study, McMaster University researchers found one protein source, in particular, whey protein, is most effective for seniors to rebuild muscle lost. Older...
Cheese may help control blood sugar

Cheese may help control blood sugar

In a new study, researchers found eating cheese could help control blood sugar levels. The finding may help improve health in people with pre-diabetes. The research...
Vitamin B12 may play a role in fighting Parkinson’s

Vitamin B12 may play a role in fighting Parkinson’s

In a new study, researchers found vitamin B12 may inhibit a key enzyme in Parkinson's disease. The finding may help develop new treatments for Parkinson’s...

7 common foods may help you lose belly fat

Being overweight or obese can be very harmful to your health. A few extra kilos in your belly can be even more dangerous. Compared with fat...

These 5 pairs of nutrients could make you strong and healthy

It is known that vitamins and minerals are important for our health and should be included in our daily diet. However, current guidelines only tell...
This common food additive may trigger celiac disease

This common food additive could trigger celiac disease

In a recent study, researchers suggest that a common food additive may cause and trigger autoimmune attacks in celiac disease. The findings suggest that there...
The best diet for weight loss

The best diet for weight loss: Vegan diet

In a recent study, researchers found that people who eat a diet rich in the plant could lose body weight faster than those who...