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8 signs you may have too much caffeine

8 signs you may have too much caffeine

Many people drink coffee or tea in the morning or afternoon to boost their energy levels. Research has shown that caffeine can be part of...
These summer fruits may benefit your brain health

These summer fruits may benefit your brain health

Summer is a great time for people to eat more fruits and vegetables. Many summer fruits, such as berries, grapes, and cherries, are high in...
Why you should not mix drugs with supplements

Why you should not mix drugs with supplements

Many older people take prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and also vitamin or mineral supplements. They may be not aware of the danger of mixing...
Food rich in fiber may protect people with heart failure

Food rich in fiber may protect people with heart failure

In a new study, researchers found that eating food high in fiber may benefit people with heart failure. They found that heart failure patients who...
For your health, whole eggs are better than egg whites

For your health, whole eggs are better than egg whites

Eggs can provide lots of essential nutrients that our body needs. Although some research has shown that eggs are not healthy for the heart because...
These drugs and supplements may help treat headache

These drugs and supplements may help treat headache

Headache is a common health condition many people have. Frequent or severe headaches can strongly interfere with daily activities and decrease quality of life. According to...
More vitamin D could boost memory, but may slow you down

More vitamin D could boost memory, but may slow you down

In a new study, researchers found vitamin D could improve memory performance in older people. However, when taking too much vitamin D supplements, it could...
These 9 foods may help prevent cancer

These 9 foods may help prevent cancer

Recent research has shown that eating a healthy diet may help prevent cancer. Some foods may be very beneficial because they contain nutrients that could...
Do these 6 things to add barbecue to your healthy diet

These 6 things could make your barbecue healthier

Summer is a good time to enjoy a barbecue with family and friends. But many people worry that it may be harmful to their health. This...
Matcha green tea could kill cancer stem cells

Matcha green tea could kill cancer stem cells

A new study from Stanford University has shown that matcha green tea could help kill cancer stem cells. Matcha green tea is a traditional drink...