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Harnessing The Power of Probiotics to Fight Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major global health concern, expected to result in 3.2 million new cases and 1.6 million deaths by 2040. Prevention and...

Flaxseed may boost gut health, prevent breast cancer

A recent study published in Microbiology Spectrum explores the role of the human gut microbiome in breast health. The study reveals that dietary components known...

Beef protein can boost muscle growth better than plant protein, study finds

Recent research published in the Journal of Nutrition has shed new light on the debate over animal versus plant-based proteins and their effectiveness in...

How stress and fatty foods impact your health

When life gets stressful, many of us reach for comfort foods, often high in fat. However, recent research sheds light on the negative consequences of...

Mindfulness can help you make heart-healthy food choices

A recent study published in JAMA Network Open reveals that practicing mindfulness can significantly benefit heart health. Researchers from Brown University found that an eight-week...

Combining high-protein diets with strength training can safely boost muscle health

A new study published in eLife delves into the paradox surrounding high-protein diets and their effects on health, particularly in relation to resistance exercise. While...

Mid-life DASH diet may prevent cognitive decline in women

A recent study by NYU Grossman School of Medicine researchers presents compelling evidence linking diet during middle age to cognitive health later in life. This...

Research shows a comprehensive picture of health benefits of eggs

Eggs have long been a subject of debate in the health community. Are they good for you, or do they pose health risks? A new...

Probiotics can help fight against high blood pressure, study finds

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major health issue affecting around 40% of adults worldwide. It's a significant risk factor for heart disease...

Manganese may help reverse heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), primarily caused by the buildup of lipid deposits or plaques in blood vessels, remain the leading cause of death globally. This condition,...