Mental Health

Depression drugs may lower your perception of pain

Depression is a mental disorder that often comes along with strong impairments of social functioning. Previously, scientists assumed that depression also impairs empathy, an essential...
Physically demanding jobs may harm your health

Physically demanding jobs may harm your health if you retire late

In a new study, researchers found that men and women who do physically demanding jobs may have poorer mental and body health if they...
Your walking speed may tell your risk of dementia, depression, and more

Your walking speed may tell your risk of dementia, depression, and more

How fast you walk can tell a lot about your overall health. Recent research has used this information to predict a person’s risk of some...
Scientists find early warning sign of schizophrenia

Scientists find early warning sign of schizophrenia

Psychosis is a mental disorder characterized by a disconnection from reality. In a new study, researchers have discovered the early warning signs of the mental...

Which anti-anxiety drug is right for me?

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States with 19% of the population affected every year. Though highly treatable, 63.1% of...

Junk food may contribute to food allergy

In a new study, researchers found that junk food may contribute to the food allergy epidemic. This is because junk food contains high levels of...
Health risks of using ketamine to treat depression

Health risks of using ketamine to treat depression

Many people are excited to use ketamine, the latest drug to treat depression. But Stanford researchers suggest that people need to know the health risks...

Scientists confirm the link between burnout and weight gain

In a new study, researchers found feeling overworked contributes to a variety of unhealthy behaviors that can cause weight gain. The finding points to the...

Heart attack survivors need to take care of their mental health

In a new study, researchers found that heart attack patients with chronic depression or anxiety are at a higher risk of death. This was the...
Depression drugs and opioids may double the risk of falls and fractures

Depression drugs and opioids may double the risk of falls and fractures

In a new study, researchers found that opioids, antidepressants, or other psychotropic drugs may increase the risk of falls and bone fractures in older...