Prostate Cancer

Eating more vegetables will not cure, stop prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers found that men with prostate cancer assigned to eat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruits daily saw...

Scientists find better way to predict prostate cancer growth

DNA methylation is a natural process cells use to turn genes on or off to help support normal physiological changes. This occurs when a specific...

AI may help detect and grade prostate cancer effectively

In a new study, researchers have developed a method based on artificial intelligence (AI) for histopathological diagnosis and grading of prostate cancer. They found that...

This prostate cancer treatment linked to Alzheimer’s disease

In a new study, researchers found that older prostate cancer patients who received a hormone-blocking treatment may have a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The...

This therapy could reduce incontinence, pain in men after prostate surgery

For decades, therapy to strengthen pelvic muscles has been the standard treatment for men dealing with urinary incontinence after prostate surgery. But in a new...

This screening method could help cut prostate cancer death

In a new study, researchers found that nearly one in six deaths from prostate cancer could be prevented if targeted screening was introduced for...

Exercise may reduce side-effects of prostate hormone therapy

In a new study, researchers found that a prescription of short-term exercise for patients with advanced prostate cancer could help to reduce the side-effects...

This new treatment may help destroy prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers report a novel MRI-guided procedure that uses ultrasound effectively treats prostate cancer with minimal side effects. The incision-free technique could...

These 7 things may increase risk of prostate cancer

Recent research has shown that avoiding cancer risk factors may help prevent certain cancers. Common risk factors for cancer include smoking, obesity, and not getting enough exercise. In the U.S., about...

Being active could help reduce risk of prostate cancer

In a new study, researchers found that being more active reduces the risk of prostate cancer. The largest-ever study to use genetics as a measurement...