Pain Management

Scientists find a culprit for chronic itch

Chronic itch is a common yet hard-to-treat symptom of many inflammatory skin conditions, such as psoriasis. The urge to constantly scratch can seriously impair a...

Why people with red hair respond differently to pain than others

Previous studies have shown that people with red hair perceive pain differently than others. They may be more sensitive to certain types of pain and...

This drug could ease chronic pain and itching in people

In a new study from Durham and Newcastle Universities, researchers found a protein in tick saliva could be turned into a drug that eases...

Scientists turn to Neandertals, an extinct human relative, for the answer of lower back...

Examining the spines of Neandertals, an extinct human relative, may explain back-related ailments experienced by humans today, a team of anthropologists has concluded in...

Common native American plant may help reduce diarrhea and pain

In a recent study published in Frontiers in Physiology, researchers found how plants with a long history of use by Native Americans worked to treat...

Researchers find way to improve the treatment for opioid use disorder

In a recent study, researchers pointed out that an extended-release injection of buprenorphine, a medication used to treat opioid use disorder, was preferred by...

Opioids and dental pain: what you need to know

Opioids are a type of medication used to relieve pain. They require a prescription from your dentist or doctor, and include drugs such as hydrocodone,...

Some common pain and fever drugs may increase risk of COVID-19 infection

In a new study from the University of Sydney, researchers found that some of the most common pain and fever medicines might increase vulnerability...

Mindfulness therapy could reduce opioid misuse and chronic pain at the same time

In a new study from the University of Utah, researchers found that an eight-week mindfulness therapy—Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE)—decreased opioid use and misuse while...

How to manage your back pain

Is your back hurting? You’re in good company. In any 3-month period, about 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. has at least one day...