Pain Management

Disruptive leg movement? Managing restless legs syndrome

Do you feel an overwhelming need to move your legs when sitting or lying down? Do these sensations make it hard to fall or stay...

Vegan diet could reduce arthritis pain, new study finds

Scientists from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine found a low-fat vegan diet, without calorie restrictions, improves joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Study...

Vitamin D could help reduce migraine headache attacks

Scientists found vitamin D supplementation could reduce headache attacks per month and headache days per month among migraine patients. The research is published in The...

Itchy, scaly skin? living with psoriasis

The thick, red, scaly skin of psoriasis can be not only painful but also embarrassing. You may have it or know someone who does. Psoriasis...

How to live pain-free with arthritis

Aches and pains in your hands or wrists, or sore, swollen fingers could signal a condition known as arthritis. But you don’t have to live...

Opioid use linked to higher risk of mood disorders

A new study from at the University of Queensland found people who are prescribed opioids for pain relief have a higher risk of developing...

3 in 4 people needing treatment for opioid use disorder cannot get medication

A new study from Rutgers School of Public Health found that despite medication being the most effective treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD), most...

COVID-19 infection may increase risk of neuropathy

A new study from Washington University in St. Louis found that some people infected during the COVID-19 pandemic's early months experienced peripheral neuropathy—pain, tingling...

Pain in people with cancer: What to know

Cancer itself and the side effects of cancer treatment can sometimes cause pain. Pain is not something that you have to “put up with.” Controlling...

Medical cannabis may help reduce arthritis pain, back pain

Two new studies from Rothman Orthopaedic Institute found medical marijuana could be a viable alternative to opioid painkillers for people dealing with arthritis or...