How to dispose of unwanted medicines
It is possible that you have some expired drugs or medications you no longer use in your medicine cabinet.
While they may not harm you,...
Why people with depression may have unhealthy hearts
It is known that people with depression have a high risk of heart disease.
However, how the two conditions are connected has been unclear.
In a...
Moderate alcohol drinking linked to high blood pressure
In a new study, researchers found that even moderate alcohol drinking may still contribute to high blood pressure.
They found that people who drink alcohol...
This therapy may help women with common breast cancer live longer
In a new study, researchers found that a drug called ribociclib combined with common hormone therapy could help women with common breast cancer live...
This common nutrient may protect your brain, preventing dementia
Recently, researchers from Arizona State University have found an important nutrient called choline may help fight Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia.
Special stroke symptoms every woman should know
Stroke is one of the top leading cause of death in the U.S., and research has shown that women make up nearly 60% of...
How unhealthy are American adults? Here are a few numbers from AHA
A recent American Heart Association’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics have shown that the number of Americans at risk for heart attacks and strokes...
Wearing a blood pressure cuff may help prevent stroke
In a new study, researchers found that wearing a blood pressure cuff on an arm or leg may help prevent stroke.
They found that wearing...
Heart failure more dangerous for adults under 65
Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle doesn’t function properly in its squeezing or relaxing functions.
It can cause symptoms like shortness of breath and...
Many men with prostate cancer disobey rules in their active surveillance
In a new study, researchers found that men who choose active surveillance to manage early prostate cancer often don’t follow the monitoring rules.
They found...